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3. VSCode, Settings.

Before starting to work with VSCode, it might be a good idea to check some settings first.

Visual Studio Code, settings icon.
Visual Studio Code, settings icon.

You can find the settings as a gear icon in the left bar. It is the bottom icon.

Visual Studio Code, settings tab explanation.
Visual Studio Code, settings tab explanation.

Clicking on the settings menu item gives you a complete settings tab:
On the leftside of the settings tab, under "Commonly Used" you find a layout of the settings. It functions as a quick menu.

You can see I have the editor tabsize set to 2 spaces. Some people use 3 or 4, but because every tagstart, positions the text (tabsize) spaces to the right, and HTML pages have a lot of blocks, inside blocks, inside blocks...... then there soon is a lot of unused space on the left side of the editing window. OR the text runs out of the window on the right side. Which forces you to widen the window.
So that is why I use 2 characters, but that is my personal choice.

How to find a certain setting in Visual Studio Code?

You already saw there is a menu under "Commonly Used". Except from that, there is also a search bar near the top of the settings tab.
Visual Studio Code, searching for settings.
Visual Studio Code, searching for settings.

In this example I searched for theme, to show you what theme I use for Visual Studio Code.
While typing theme you will notice that as soon as you start typing, VSCode tries to complete the text and give you its results. So it might not be necessary to type the complete text you are looking for.
As you see I use the default light theme for VSCode.

Visual Studio Code, Wordwrap text.

As you will see when you start following the Youtube Course, mentioned before, Daniel Scott uses wordwrap. If you want to use that too, you can set it like this:
Visual Studio Code, setting wordwrap.
Visual Studio Code, setting wordwrap.