Table of contents :

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1. Visual Studio Code, VSCode, introduction.

This document gives additional information and some additional explanation, about the course: "Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code."
Copyright of that course belongs to Daniel Walter Scott:

Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code.
Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code. An absolutely amazing course, anyone can follow and understand.
Daniel Walter Scott.
Daniel Walter Scott. He is amazing in explaining things in a simple and humorous way.
Before you start with this course it might be a good idea to have Visual Studio Code installed on your system and a couple of directories ready to follow along with the video. To do that we will start with the directories first:

You can download the free exercise files belonging to this course from: "Download free exercise files."
The filename is Exercise Files - Web
Download free exercise files for Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code.
free exercise files for Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code. (It is a big file!!)
The directory structure can be anything you think that works for you. I have the following structure in the root of one of my drives:
Directory structure for this article.
Directory structure for this article
The directory names speak for themselves:
  • my-webdesign, this is the main directory. You might notice I have no spaces in the directory or filenames. I use the minus-sign or an underscore.
  • course-material, this directory will contain the unzipped contents of the zip file: Exercise Files - Web Essentials, you just downloaded.
  • exercises, this directory is meant for the exercises you follow in Daniel Scott's youtube course.
  • experiments, this directory will contain any other experiments or examples you might need.
  • mywebsite, this directory will contain your final website files.

Unzip the subdirectories from the downloaded file into the correct directory as mentioned above.

From what I could see in Dan's video, he works on a Mac. This article describes things for a windows pc. So you might see some differences here and there. Furthermore, Dan also seems to have some plugins in Visual Studio Code installed. I tried figuring out which ones we would need, and will describe how to install them.